X-Caliber Barrel & MFG uses state-of-the-art deep-hole drilling equipment to turn cold-rolled steel bar-stock into the straightest, most concentric and precise rifle barrels possible. Hand-lapped button pull rifled barrels.
All dimensions listed will remain the same regardless of barrel length. For prefits or contoured blanks, the only aspect of a contour that changes with barrel length variations will be the length between C and E (or A and E for straight tapers). Also, the angle of the contour taper (if any) from C to E (or A and E) will change depending on barrel length.
The muzzle diameter (E) is measured on a contoured barrel or blank and does not account for any muzzle threading. Threading a muzzle will cut a shoulder (typically) .625" back from the normal muzzle end and that shoulder (at the end of the threading) will be a slightly larger diameter than what is measured at E (except for on contour #12). Take this into account when selecting a contour that will have a threaded muzzle.